5 years ago | News

We marked a remarkable day in the history of our company as we took one step closer to customers all over Maldives. The opening of Laamu Gan outlet was officiated by our CEO Ibrahim Husham on the 14 th September 2019 at 16:30 hrs.

Speaking at the ceremony, our Operations and Marketing Manager Fathimath Juman expressed, “Our company had been hoping to open an outlet in Laamu for some time now. We hope that the residents of Laamu atoll would benefit from us moving closer to them. We are happy to share with you that we are planning on opening a Service Centre in the near future at Laamu as well. This would not only benefit our customers; this would also create opportunities for residents in Laamu seeking jobs in automobile industry. Our main goal is to provide our customers, quality products and a reliable and consistent service”

We had a colourful celebration for the opening of the outlet. A large crowd gathered for the celebration. Famous boduberu group “Keybola” performed at the event. We felt the joy and love from the Laamu residents especially from the youngsters. Gifts were distributed for the children who joined our celebration.

Laamu Gan, Honda Showroom will be selling motorcycles at the same price as Male’. Purchase of the motorcycles are available for full payment or Instalments as well. Honda spare parts and power products will also be sold from the outlet.

Sheesha is proud to be in Laamu and would like to thank Laamu citizens for the generous hospitality, love and support.

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