5 years ago | News

With the opening of our outlet in Gaafu Alif Vilingili, the atoll residents continued to celebrate their love for the motorcycles at a special event held for children at the island of Gemanafushi. The event was made memorable with a significant number of residents being present, especially children joining in on the fun activities conducted by our team such as face painting and playing musical chairs.

Sheesha team was extremely delighted to convey the happy news to the residents of the island that we will not be charging a delivery fee for transferring the purchased motorcycles from Vilingili to Gemanafushi. It has always been one of our main priorities to provide our customers with convenient and feasible means of purchasing motorcycles.

We appreciate the support and love received by all the customers within the Gaafu Alif atoll and look forward to providing our services to many more customers.

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