Sheesha Installments in Addu City - Hithadhoo

8 years ago | News

Maldives, being a geographically isolated country, expanding businesses and the services they offer to all the parts of the country has always been a difficult task. However, overcoming so many obstacles and barriers, the company has achieved a major milestone; introduction of Sheesha Instalments in Addu City. Many citizens of Addu City have been waiting for this day for a very long time and this has been a huge step for the company as well. All the motor bike models available in the Male’ are now available in the Addu City at the same price, making it easier for the customers in the southern region of the country to purchase the bikes they desire.

This service started on 3rd September 2016, with an exciting promotion to all the customers across the country, “Sheesha Winstalments” was truly stirring. Sheesha Winstalment lasted for three months from 3rd September till 3rd December 2016.This promotion enabled all the Instalment customers to get a coupon for every MVR1000 purchase or a payment. A lucky winner was selected every month and the winner got a discount on the newly purchased bike or have the rest of the instalment payment deducted off as well as getting a free #EasyService.

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